Tech Dump
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22 selected videos
Bitcoin Issues And Cost Of Commerce With High Transfer Fees. Costs $5 to transfer $30.
Bitcoin definitely has its own problems. After I tried to transfer $30 to a friend with a coinbase account, it cost me over $5 to get the money to them. The cost per transfer is the same if your going to buy a house or if you are going to buy a cup of coffee and that is where one of the problems come in.
If we want Bitcoin to be a success, we need to be able to but mundane things with it like coffee or Gas. It might be a while until the Bitcoin core group can make this happen. If things stay...
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Bitcoin mining difficulty example. THIS IS CRAZY!!
Bitcoin mining difficulty example. THIS IS CRAZY!!
This is a great example of how fast the bitcoin community is upgrading their hardware and leaving my micro rig in the past
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Bitcoin mining pools favoring spam transactions to keep fees high
We could be doing lot of damage to crypto by pulling stunts like this. If transaction fees are too high people will stop using the coin. Is this a way people are trying to force implementation on Segwit??
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My Bitcoin Mining Cellphone Armada. Mining Rig in Full Swing!
My Bitcoin Mining Cellphone Armada. Mining Rig in Full Swing!
I have way too many oldish cell phones not to see them! Got some blackberry Z10 and an LG G3 Mining their hearts away
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Mining Bitcoin With Android and BlackBerry Smart Phones HOW TO
Want to know how to mine Bitcoin on Android? What about Blackerry?
Mining Monero is the only way to do crypto on cell phones so your going to need to convert it to Bitcoin manually. is currently the best way to mine any crypto on a cell phone and it only works on Android.
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Bitcoin World Map App locates local places that accept BITCOIN payments
Bitcoin World Map App locates local places that accept BITCOIN payments
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Bitcoin price drop today Sep 2. Here's why it happened
Bitcoin price drop today Sep 2. Here's why it happened
bitcoin price dropped
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Price of CPU Bitcoin mining up since Bitcoin Cash released
Price of CPU Bitcoin mining up since Bitcoin Cash released
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Amazon, Ebay, Paypal to accept Bitcoin payments in the near future?
Amazon, Ebay, Paypal to accept Bitcoin payments in the near future?
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Mining Bitcoin and Monero from an old android box and big screen TV
Mining Bitcoin and Monero from an old android box and big screen TV
This android box is too old to run Kodi so let's mine some crypto currency!!!
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