Ronald Coe, Jr.

Rank: 1201 / 1843

6 selected videos - Very Impressive Mining Pool on a Growing List of Contenders

Join the bitcoin mining economy, use my referral code to get started with the pool:

Sign-up for BitConnect with the following link:

Sign-up for USI-TECH with the following link:

Join my team on Control-Finance with the following link:

Establish your on-ramp to the world of cryptocurrency investing with...

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Don't ignore Bitcoin Cash. For the vast majority of the scaling debate I had written BCH off and considered it a foregone conclusion that the new coin would fail. We now see two of the biggest crypto exchanges pledging support for the coin, with another one not saying no; rather, taking a wait and see approach to the success or failure of the coin.

If you are holding your bitcoin correctly you'll get an equivalent quantity of BCH at the time of the chain split. Free money.

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Electron Cash - Install on Windows and Connect to BCH Blockchain

In this video I'll go through the full installation of the Electron Cash wallet for bitcoin cash. I attempt to give you tips for things of which you'll need to be aware all along the way. I also cover using the recovery phrase for your current wallet to enable the Electron Wallet to gain access to your funds.

Sign-up for BitConnect with the following link:

Sign-up for USI-TECH with the following link:

Funding the...

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Bitcoin: How to Setup a Coinbase Account and Purchase Your First Bitcoin

Setup your Coinbase account using the following link, Coinbase if you purchase $100 or more of bitcoin; Coinbase will give you an additional $10 in bitcoin.

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BitConnect - Is bitcoin Real Money - Converting Crypto to Cash

bitcoin--an incredible store of value, an asset. Can it be real money? In this video we find out.

Sign-up for BitConnect with the following link:

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Bitcoin: Moving Funds from Coinbase to Exodus

Never leave large amounts of funds on exchanges. In this video we explore the steps required to move funds from a hosted wallet with Coinbase to a serverless wallet using Exodus.

Download the Exodus Wallet:

Setup a Coinbase account:

Begin mining Bitcoin with Hashing24:

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