How to buy bitcoins - The many options you have for buying bitcoins

Buying bitcoins can be very difficult to the uninitiated, however there are plenty of places to buy bitcoins and some of them are incredibly easy.

First of all, you can buy bitcoins on ebay, but you should never sell bitcoins on ebay (because of charge backs) - you pay quite a hefty premium doing it this way, but that premium can be quickly made up in a bullish market. You can also buy bitcoins with paypal.

Second option is, which you can meet with people in person to buy...

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From: CryptoCurrency

Related topics : bitcoin buy sell exchange / bitcoin buy sell paypal / buy with bitcoin ebay / easy way to buy bitcoins us / use bitcoin to buy

eBay is "Seriously Considering" Accepting Bitcoin

I saw an interesting article on Yahoo Finance today. In an interview Scott Cutler Vice President of eBay North Americas said eBay was seriously considering accepting Bitcoin.

No specific details were given such as if they were working with Shapeshift on developing a payment platform or escrow system so not sure how serious they are and how much this is just bandwagoning and culture hacking but it would be cool if eBay started accepting Bitcoin and letting buyers pay in Bitcoin.

For anyone...

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From: Rules For Rebels

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