Selected videos for topic: bitcoin transactions per block
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Bitcoin Tutorial Episode 4: Bitcoin Mechanics, Decentralized Consensus, mining rewards
In this video I will give an overview of what happens when a bitcoin transaction is executed. How does the transaction end up in the block chain?
From: On1 Productions
Related topics : bitcoin transactions per block
Transaction and Proof Methods Used in Block Chain Technology Bitcoin and Gridcoin
This is the first video in a series where I attempt to deconstruct complex topics related to Bitcoin, Gridcoin, and other Crypto-Currencies (alt-coins) that use block chain technology in a way everyone can understand. In this episode we talk about transaction signing, also known as timestamping or how transactions on the block chain are approved. We talk about the three primary methods, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and Proof of Research.
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From: Grid Research Corp
Related topics : bitcoin transactions per block
Blockchain for Dummies - Part 2 - Bitcoin transactions
Hi All,
In this short video, we will give you a conceptual understanding of how bitcoin transactions work and why Bitcoin can be considered a valid payment system.
In future videos, we will look into smart-contract and other blockchain applications before going deeper into the more technical details. (e.g. how are blocks created, where do bitcoins come from, etc.)
Stay tuned for me.
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From: jeanlucverhelst
Related topics : bitcoin transactions per block
How to speed up Bitcoin Transaction on the Blockchain
In this video I show you how to avoid having your bitcoin transactions stuck in the system for days when you really need for it to be processed urgently. I will show you how to set the optional miner fee so you get the fastest possible confirmation time for your bitcoin send and have no issues with slow or extended wait times.
Figure out what the fastest mining transaction fee is right NOW:
See what mining pools have mined the...
From: Sharon Parkinson
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