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Currency Converter Calculator App
More than one million users on iOS - now available on Android, too!
Easy to use:
▸ All 170 world currencies plus Silver, Gold and Bitcoin support
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Ideal for traveling and at home:
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▸ Modify exchange rates - include banking fees
▸ Set favorite currencies
From: netzfrequenz software
Related topics : bitcoin gold exchange rate / bitcoin exchange rate calculator / bitcoin currency converter app / bitcoin one world currency
We Live In The Matrix & Are All Enslaved Under The New World Order - Jeff Berwick on As You Wish
Jeff is interviewed by James Gilliland for As You Wish Talk Radio. Topics include: defining Anarchy, voluntarism, state programming, state schools, CNN mind control, the beauty of free market interaction, consciousness and money, taxation, most of our wealth is stolen by government, risk of tyranny, free energy, inflation is theft, gold and silver ready to go up, one world government and currency, false flag events, new world order urban planning, the internet vs state control, the battle of...
From: The Dollar Vigilante
Related topics : bitcoin new world order currency
2013 06 11 BitCoin and Digital Currencies
The use of bitcoins has emerged as a viable technology and business model that promises to disrupt conventional payment and currency systems throughout the world. As the industry works through the legal, technical and business issues associated with digital currency, the enormous potential market is now being discovered. Join us for an informative one hour session with industry experts on what bitcoins are, what the state of the industry is, and what the future may hold for virtual currencies.
From: Royse Law Firm
Related topics : digital virtual currency and bitcoins / bitcoin digital currency